Code of Conduct

Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical strives to develop new technology and realize the highest quality
based on sound corporate ethics and organizational culture of integrity.


With the belief that when we make effort in one direction to develop new technology and realize the highest 
quality based on sound business ethics and clean organizational culture, our company can become an first class 
business in the world, we all intend to establish a “Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical Ethics Charter” as follows and 
take it as criteria for our behavior and judgment of values.

  • 1. We take customer satisfaction as a value of the first priority and pursue common prosperity together with our personnel, cooperative companies, competitors and shareholders as companions in creating new values based on mutual trust and respect.
  • 2. We respect the cultures and customs and observe the laws and morals of all regions and countries where we perform our business activities and faithfully implement the rights and obligations of sound business citizens through fair competition.
  • 3. We put emphasis on autonomy, responsibility, creativity and challenging spirits, cultivate humanity and ethicality and keep the honor and dignity of Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical Persons through the observance of manners and etiquette.
  • 4. We do our best in duties given to us and create sound organizational culture based on human relations to respect and consider others and labor-management cooperation.

We, Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical pursue a global first class business that creates the best products and services based on talents and technology to contribute to human society.

To this end, we take ‘Integrity’, ‘Challenge’ and ‘Dedication’ as core values (Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical Values) that must be shared and kept by all Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical Persons. Furthermore, we resolve to establish business principles that will become standards for the thoughts and behavior of Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical Persons in all management activities in order to observe laws and ethics and fulfill business’s proper roles and social responsibility and actively practice the management principles.

In addition, Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical complies with the UN Global Compact, the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises, and the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act.

Principle 1 Places the Safety, Health and Environment as a top priority for management activities

1-1 Attach importance to the safety and health of mankind.

Observe safety related international standards, related laws and internal regulations.

Observe safety rules and form comfortable working environments in order to prevent safety accidents.

Take every precaution not to supply products and services that could harm human health and safety.

1-2 Pursue environment friendly management.

Observe environment protection related international standards, related laws and internal regulations.

Make unceasing effort to protect environments in all business activities such as development, production and sales.

We strive to implement activities that use resources efficiently such as recycling.

Principle 2 Observe laws and ethics

2-1 Respect individuals’ dignity and diversity.

Respect everybody’s basic human rights.

Do not allow forced labor, exploitation at low wages and child labor in any case whatsoever.

Do not discriminate any stake holders including customers and employees by reason of nationality, races, genders or religions.

2-2 Fairly compete in observance of laws and trade ethics.

Observe various laws of countries and communities, respect market completion order and compete in fair ways. 

Do not get unjust benefits in dishonest ways that are contrary to trade ethics. 

Do not exchange bribes or entertainments in relation to business activities. 

2-3 Maintain the transparency of accounting through accurate accounting records.

Accurately record and control all transactions of the company so that all stakeholders can objectively understand business activities. 

Observe accounting related laws of individual countries and internationally accepted accounting principles.

Faithfully announce publicly, major management related matters such as financial changes in the company and business information as specified by the law. 

2-4 Do not intervene in politics and maintain neutrality.

Respect individuals’ political rights and political decisions; provided that, do not conduct political activities in the company. 

Do not use the company’s funds, manpower or facilities for political purposes.

Do not provide illegal money and other articles such as contributions. 

Principle 3 Maintain clean organizational culture

3-1 Strictly divide between private and public matters in all business activities.

When the interests of the company and those of individuals conflict with each other, the company’s legal interests shall prevail.

Do not pursue personal interests using the company’s properties or one’s own position in the company and do not conduct any dishonest acts such as embezzlement or misappropriation of the company’s properties.

3-2 Protect and respect the company’s or others’ intellectual properties.

Do not leak internal intellectual  properties or confidential information to the outside without prior permission or approval.  

Respect others’ intellectual properties and do not conduct any infringing acts such as unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution or modification.

Do not conduct transactions related with securities such as stock selling/buying using information obtained as a matter of duty.

3-3 Form sound  organizational atmospheres.

Do not conduct any speech and behavior that will impair sound relations between colleagues such as sexual harassment, money transactions or violence. 

Do not form any faction or establish private organizations that will cause a sense of incongruity in the organization.

Establish labor-management relations for coexistence and co-prosperity based on mutual trust and smooth communication.

Principle 4 Respect customers, shareholders and employees

4-1 Take customer satisfaction as a value of the first priority in management activities.

Provide products and services that meet customers’ requirements and expectations on time.

Treat customers with sincere mind and kind attitudes and modestly accept customers’ proposals and complaints. - Respect and protect customers’ honor and information.

4-2 Pursue shareholder value oriented management.

Provide long-term profits to shareholders through rational investments and enhanced management efficiency. - Create stable revenues and enhance the business’ market value through sound management activities.

We respect the rights, opinions and reasonable requests of shareholders

4-3 Make effort to enhance the ‘quality of life’ of employees.

Provide equal opportunities to all employees and treat them fairly based on abilities and Performance.

Encourage employees’ unceasing self-development and actively support the enhancement of capabilities necessary for implementing duties.

Principle 5 Fulfill social responsibility as global business citizens

5-1 Faithfully perform basic obligations that must be observed by all business citizens.

Make effort to enhance trust in the company by fulfilling responsibility and obligations as a member of the community.

5-2 Observe local social/cultural characteristics and practice coexistence.

Respect the community’s laws, culture and value and contribute to the enhancement of the quality of life of local residents.

Pursue sound social development through public interest activities in various areas such as science, arts, culture and physical exercise.

Actively participate in social service activities such as volunteer services and disaster relief.

5-3 Establish relations of coexistence and co-prosperity with business partners.

Form mutually beneficial relations with business partners based on mutual trust and perceive business partners and strategic companions.

Strengthen cooperative companies’ competitiveness through legal support and pursue co-development.

1. Safety, Health and Environment

Employees of Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical shall place Safety, Health, and Environment as a top priority for their activities and strives to build the world's best safety culture

Strive to protect personal health and safety and to assist employees in protecting their colleagues through training and awareness initiatives.

2. Autonomy, creativity and challenge

Respect individuals’ autonomy, creativity and challenging spirits

Autonomously judge and act in implementing duties and roles and take responsibility for the results.

Always work with challenging and creative attitudes in order to create better values.

Respect novel ideas and proposals and unceasingly develop yourself to be equipped with global level competitiveness.

3. Responsibility 

Sympathize with the company’s management philosophy, objectives and values and faithfully implement missions given to each person in accordance with the company’s business policy

Implement given duties with best effort fairly and impartially and fully understand work related regulations and systems of the company.

Actively share information and knowledge among higher/lower positions, colleagues and departments in order to enhance the effect and efficiency of works.

Make sure to keep promises and act in accordance with social patterning based on ethics and morality.

4. Maintain clean organization

Clearly distinguish between personal matters and official matters and do not pursue personal interests using your position

Do not use the company’s properties, facilities, machines or materials for personal purposes and act thinking the company’s interest first when implementing duties.

Do not conduct any dishonest acts such as indirectly or directly receiving money or articles, special favors, benefits or entertainments.

Do not conduct any social activities or economic activities that are related with antisocial actions that threaten the order or safety of citizens’ society or that are against the company’s interest.

Do not violate anti-trust, anti-bribery, anti-fraud and anti-corruption laws worldwide.

5. Respect intellectual property rights

Perceive the importance of intellectual properties including business secrets, respect others’ rights as well as keep and protecting your rights

Make effort to secure and maintain the company’s intellectual property rights and provide the company’s intellectual property rights to 3rd parties only after getting prior consent or approval of the company.

Do not illegally obtain or use other persons’ or other companies’ confidential information.

Respect 3rd parties’ intellectual property rights such as patents, copyrights or trade mark rights and do not conduct any actions that do harm to the company such as intentionally infringing or unjustly using 3rd parties’ intellectual properties.

6. Control of records of information and security

Record and control the company’s information known while Implementing duties as intellectual properties and maintain security

Accurately and clearly record and report various kinds of information related with business activities and control as the company’s intellectual properties.

Never disclose any information obtained while implementing duties without prior consent or approval while working in the company and after retiring from the company.

Do not use any information on the company or information obtained during the process of implementing duties dishonestly or unjustly.

7. Sound colleague relations

Maintain sound colleague relations

Superiors shall not give any unjust work instructions not related with the company or business purposes to inferior staffs.

Do not conduct any speech or behavior that will impair sound relations between colleagues such as sexual harassment or insulting handicapped persons.

8. Sound organizational culture

Develop cooperative labor-management culture based on smooth communication, mutual trust and respect between upper and lower employees and colleagues

Maintain and develop labor-management relations for coexistence and co-prosperity based on mutual trust

Do not conduct any act to form a sense of incongruity in the organization or impair sound organizational culture by establishing factions or private organizations based on blood ties, regionalism or school ties.

9. Political activity related

Do not intervene politics in the status of a member of the company

Respect individuals’ political decisions; provided that, care must be used so that individuals’ decisions would not be misunderstood as the company’s standpoint.

Do not directly/indirectly provide any illegal contributions or expenses to any candidates for officials to be elected, political parties or political committees.

Do not conduct any political activities in the company or use any organization, manpower or properties of the company for political purposes.

10. Obligation to observe Business principles

All employees should observe the Business principles and officers and managers have responsibility to have staff members under their control observe the Business principles.

If any act of violating the Business principles has occurred, prevent recurrence through thorough elucidation of the cause and education.

All employees should faithfully observe the Business principles and anybody who violates the Business principles shall take responsibility for the relevant act by being subject to disciplinary actions.

If anybody has been forced to conduct any act of violating the Business principles or perceived such acts, he/she shall report it to responsible officers or employees management/auditing departments and take actions after discussing with superiors or officers in advance in the case of any doubtful acts.

We receive information on any unfair work processing, unjust demands using positions or corruption of Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical personnel.
The information will be handled behind closed doors. Although all reports can be delivered anonymously,
we ask that you provide as much detail as possible because it may be difficult to identify facts when reported anonymously.
Your precious word is the cornerstone of transparent management.
  • Personnel’s misappropriation of bribe taking
  • Personnel’s unjust work processing
  • Requests for money or valuables or provision of the same
  • Unjust participation with shares in non-listed suppliers
  • Cases of double employment of any personnel
  • Cases of demoralization by sexual harassment
  • Verbal violence within and outside the company,
    such as habitual swearing, loud voice,
    anger, threats
  • Other violations of the code of conduct
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Agreement on Private Policy
In order to protect personal information based on Personal Information Protection Act, Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical guides you the collection and utilization of your personal information as below. All personal information we collect will not be provided to third parties and will only be used for forwarding processing results to you.

1. Purpose of collection and utilization: To send results of the report to informants
2. Items of collection and utilization
    Selective information : Name, Phone Number & Email Address
3. Retention period : Five years from the moment when reports are enrolled
    (Required period if needed upon the regulations of the relevant statute)
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Information should be reported under the real name of the informant in principle.